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At Seele Elementary School, we recognize that parental engagement is an important aspect of effective schooling. The school and the home cannot be looked at in isolation from one another; families and schools need to collaborate to help children adjust to the responsibilities of being successful students.

Parent communication is also something viewed as a positive aspect of Seele Elementary. We utilize the School Messenger system for the principal’s biweekly newsletter and weekly emailed newsletters from classroom teachers to inform our parents and families on activities taking place at Seele. In addition, teachers are expected to regularly reach out and keep families informed as to how students are performing throughout the school year. 

To further build the relationship between the campus and families, regular events are held to bring our families together including The Howard Street Music Festival, Grandfriends Day, heritage days (German Heritage Day, Dia de los Muertos, etc.), Science Night, Art Show, Literacy on the Lawn, book fairs, and PTA Read-a-Thon. The overall atmosphere of the campus is positive and the staff joins together as a family in order to best meet the needs of each other and the students we serve. 

Two-way communication about school programs and students’ progress is promoted due to the belief that education is a responsibility shared with parents. Parents are invited to actively participate in school decision making through our CIC and other school and district committees.  Parents are also encouraged to develop their leadership skills in governance and advocacy by attending school board meetings and getting involved in the Parent Teacher Association.

Parents feel that Seele is a respectful place where their students are cared for. Staff feels that Seele is has a family-like environment where strong student/staff relationships are valued. Students feel that they can ask and receive help from various staff members.

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