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Seele Elementary building exterior

Seele Elementary was established in 1954 and was named after Hermann Seele, the first educator to hold classes in New Braunfels, Texas. Over the years, Seele has added buildings, served as a 4th-5th grade campus and is now back to a neighborhood school providing for the needs of students in Kindergarten through Fifth grade.

Seele is known as a legacy campus and it is not uncommon to have students attend whose parents, grandparents and even great grandparents were once students here. Seele Elementary has approximately 300 students enrolled. Enrollment at Seele has remained consistent over the last three years. 

Parents and community members are active participants in campus life. Several parents volunteer on campus in the library, classrooms, gardens, and during morning drop off. Community members volunteer in the library to organize materials. RSVP program volunteers meet weekly with students to work on reading skills.

Canine Classmates is an organization that provides social-emotional and reading support to students weekly. Students from New Braunfels High School participate in internship opportunities through daily coursework and student teachers from local universities complete their student teaching assignments at Seele throughout the year. 

School Hours:

7:35am - 3:05pm